- Mishawaka High School
- Get Involved
Get Involved
Mishawaka High School offers a variety of student activities. There is an activity for every student who wants to be involved. Participation in student activities carries many benefits: improved self-confidence, development of important skills, and increased attachment to school. We have dedicated and enthusiastic activity sponsors who work to provide students with opportunities to enhance classroom curriculum, promote interests, and serve the community.
We encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities and get the most out of your years at Mishawaka High School...there is something for everyone!
- Category: Competition
- Description of Program: Students study works and do research on theme or era. Students should be self-motivated, and self-reliant; willingness to do independent study of assigned materials.
- Duration: December - May, 3 hours per week. Arranged practices November to May.
- Procedure for Joining: TBA
- Requirements for Continued Membership: Must attend practices and competitions.
- Sponsors: Main Office phone 254-7300
Mr. Ferro - Math
Mr. Halicki - English
Mr. Hahn - Science
Mrs. Bill - Art
TBD- Social Studies
- Category: Special Interest
- Duration: August- May, 2 hours per week. Students earn an athletic award.
- Procedure for Joining: Students must maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher, express an interest in working with the athletic trainers.
- Requirements for Continued Membership: Maintain grades and participate in athletic practices and games.
- Sponsor: Ms. Keyser, 254-7338 Athletic Office, email: keysers@mishawaka.k12.in.us
- Category: Special Interest
- Description of Program: Students read a pre-selected title and discuss the book in an informal atmosphere. Students typically read one book per month.
- Duration: August - May, 2 hours per month. This depends on the student. Meetings usually run 20 to 30 minutes.
- Procedure for Joining: Contact Ms. Stillson in the library. Students may join at any time during the school year.
- Requirements for Continued Membership: Students read one book per month and meet in the Library.
- Sponsor: Ms. Stillson, MHS Room #Library, email:stillsona@mishawaka.k12.in.us
- Category: Competition
- Description of Program: Are you interested in joining the Mishawaka High School Bowling Team? Don't miss a fun opportunity to meet new friends, experience competitions against area schools, play-offs leading to the state competition, and possible college scholarship opportunities.
- Duration: August - February
- Practice: Parkway Lanes, 1504 Chestnut St, Mishawaka
- Questions: Coach Bill Toops, phone: 574-520-2971, email: Cavemenbowl@gmail.com or Coach Bob Smith, phone: 574-292-1851
- Category: Special Interest
- Description of Program: Want to learn to play? Are you a board game or chess expert? Come one, come all and let’s play! Board games are a fun way to learn to ask questions, become great thinkers, and learn to strategize.
- Duration: Sept.– April Monday’s after school 3:15-4:30 P.M.
- Procedure for Joining: Open to all students.
- Sponsor: Mrs. Johnson, stop by her classroom for more info Room #246, email: johnsonme@mishawaka.k12.in.us
- Category: Special Interest
- Description of Program: Mishawaka High School presents a number of plays throughout the school year including a spring musical.
- Duration: August – May, time commitment varies with role. Fund Raising Required
- Procedure for Joining: In order to be considered for and maintain a part in any drama production, a student must maintain passing grades in all subjects. Auditions are required. Listen for announcements regarding audition times.
- Requirements for Continued Membership: Attendance is mandatory at all rehearsal dates and students must maintain passing grades in all courses.
- Sponsor: Sarah Beason, beasons@mishawaka.k12.in.us
- Category: Special Interest
- Description of Program: Students meet weekly to pray, sing, study scripture, and encourage one another.
- Duration: August – May, 1 hour per week , Tuesday mornings, 7:15 a.m.
- Procedure for Joining: Open to all students
- Sponsor: Mr. Halicki, MHS Room #272, email: halickij@mishawaka.k12.in.us
- Category: Special Interest
- Description of Program: Located across the street from the Battell Community Center, a new structure maintained by the Parks Department this Greenhouse provides 1,200 square feet of growing space to bolster the planting needs of the City while providing many new educational opportunities to students. The exterior of the greenhouse includes a small garden area where students will be able to plant vegetables and other plants to show what is happening each season.
- Duration: TBD
- Procedure for Joining: Open to all students, contact Parks Dept.
- Sponsor: Mishawaka Parks Dept. Office Hours: Mon–Fri 8am–5pm Ph. 258-1664
- Category: Special Interest
- Description of Program: Gay-Straight Alliance is a youth leadership organization that connects school-based Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs) to each other and community resources. The GSA is a group that is open to all students who are LGBTQ as well as their allies. Meetings and activities include relevant discussions, movie days, parties, school-wide activities like Day of Kindness, outside activities like GSA summits, fundraisers, and education with the purpose of making MHS a more welcoming, safe, and inclusive environment for all.
- Duration: August – May, Every Tuesday in room 350
- Procedure for Joining: Contact Mrs. Bill
- Sponsor: Mrs. Bill, 254-7341
- Category: Special Interest
- Description of Program: For those who delight in world experiences.
- Duration: August – May
- Procedure for Joining: Contact teacher
- Sponsors: Mrs. Montero/ Spanish - Rm. 164/email: monteroa@mishawaka.k12.in.us
Mrs. Herman / French - Rm. 265/email: hermanc@mishawaka.k12.in.us
Ms. Dambrauskas/ German - Rm. 163/email: dambrauskask@mishawaka.k12.in.us
- Category: Special Interest
- Description of Program: Students produce M.H.S’s student news production, mhstv. This organization needs announcers, camera operators, audio and computer personnel to produce the televised program which runs during White Day Seminars.
- Duration: Enitre school year, but “semester” or “six week” assignments can be arranged.
- Procedure for Joining: Talk to your counselor about requirements to take course.
- Category: Special Interest
- Description of Program: The Mishawaka Gamers Club (MGC) meets weekly to host tournaments for different video, tabletop, or card games that students want to play. MSC meets every Monday from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. There are no fees and all are welcome to join.
- Duration: August – May
- Procedure for Joining: Contact teacher
- Sponsor: Mrs. Johnson, email: johnsonm@mishawaka.k12.in.us, Room # 246
- Category: Academic
- Description of Program: Students, along with the sponsor, publish the MHS yearbook. This includes taking pictures, using computer for layout, conducting interviews.
- Duration: August – May
- Procedure for Joining: Contact teacher
- Sponsor: Mr. Sheneman - MHS Room #34, email: shenemanf@mishawaka.k12.in.us
- Category: Academic
- Description of Program: Mock Trial offers the opportunity to learn what it is like to prepare and present a legal case before the Courts.
- Duration: August – May
- Procedure for Joining: Contact teacher
- Sponsor: Mrs. Monroe, Room # 273, email: monroej@mishawaka.k12.in.us
- Category: Honorary
- Affiliation with State or National Organization: National Association of Secondary School Principals
- Description of Program: The National Honor Society was established in 1921 for the purpose of recognizing and fostering academic achievement while developing other characteristics essential to American citizens. Scholarship, character, service, and leadership are the ideals upon which selection is based. Students must have earned a 3.2 or higher cumulative GPA, have no failures as a final grade in a course, must have passed the ISTEP, and must have attended Mishawaka High School for a minimum of one year.
- Duration: October – May, Members are required to attend a monthly meeting at 7:30 am, to perform six hours of individual service to the community per semester, and to participate in a group project for two-three hours per semester.
- Procedure for Joining: Students do not apply for membership in NHS. Membership is both an honor and a responsibility, granted only to those selected by the Faculty Council. Students are informed of their eligibility and invited to an informational meeting and given a form to be completed for review by the selection committee.
- Requirements for Continued Membership: Student must abide by all National Honor Society guidelines and responsibilities.
- Sponsor: Mrs. Hahn, Ph. 254-7442
- Category: Competition
- Description of Program: Similar to the popular TV game show Jeopardy, teams answer trivia questions on a broad spectrum of categories.
- Duration: September – March 5–6 hours per week
- Procedure for Joining: Contact sponsor
- Requirements: Students must be willing to attend all practices
- Sponsor: TBA
- Category: Academic
- Description of Program: 1st Year and Advanced Clubs. First Year Robotics Club is a hybrid class/club that will help you gain the required skills to design and build robots. Advanced Robots Club is the upper-level hybrid class club in the pathway for Manufacturing and Logistics. The goal of the Advanced Club is competition in the FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC).
- Duration: August – May 3:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., Tues., Wed., Thurs.
- Procedure for Joining: Contact teacher
- Sponsor: Mrs. Fisette - MHS Room TBD, email: fisettej@mishawaka.k12.in.us
- Category: Competition
- Affiliation with State or National Organization: State and National Science Olympiad Organization Description of Program: Science Olympiad is a hands-on science competition involving more than 20 events and covering all the science disciplines. Most events involve teams of students, rather than individual competitions. The competitions begin in February.
- Duration: October - March, 4 hours per week.
- Procedure for Joining: Students must complete an application and submit it to Mrs. Stantz in September
- Requirements for Continued Membership: Students must be willing to attend all practices.
- Sponsor: Mrs. Stantz, MHS Room #238, email: stantzm@mishawaka.k12.in.us
Assistant: Mrs. Wisler Room #236
- Category: Special Interest
- Description of Program: The Sources of Strength group are Peer Leaders and Adult Advisors who offer support to MHS students for mental health issues and to increase mental health awareness. We want to be able to talk about issues, let students know that it is okay to not be okay, and be a resource for help.
- Duration: All school year
- Procedure for Joining: Contact sponsor
- Sponsor: Mrs. Konanz, Social Worker, MHS Room, email: konanzg@mishawaka.k12.in.us
- Category: Academic, Competition
- Description of Program: Students prepare for two competitions by learning to spell over 3,500 words. Students meet every day after school except for Fridays starting in August and ending at the beginning of November.
- Duration: August – November, 4–5 hours per week. Usually do not meet on Fridays unless there is a competition.
- Procedure for Joining: Students may join Spell Bowl by contacting the sponsor.
- Requirements for Continued Membership: Students must be willing to attend all practices.
- Sponsor: TBD
- Category: Special Interest
- Description of Program: Stage crew has two components: construction crew and production crew. The construction crew constructs and paints all sets for three MHS drama productions. The production crew works “backstage” during actual productions, running lights, audio, and moving sets.
- Duration: August – May, 5–10 hours per week during three productions.
- Procedure for Joining: Listen for announcements at the beginning of the school year and before each production.
- Sponsor: Sarah Beason, beasons@mishawaka.k12.in.us
- Category: Special Interest
- Description of Program: Students who want to improve their physical abilities through correct power lifting techniques.
- Duration: Year round, Time Commitment: During the school day or after school 3:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
- Procedure for Joining: See Mr. Szerszen or Mr. Chase
- Sponsors: Mr. Szerszen, MHS phone extension 7375
- Category: Student Government
- Description of Program: Student Council members are responsible for planning and organizing many student activities and make considered suggestions to the administration for the betterment of MHS.
- Duration: July – May, 4 hours per month. In addition to meetings, members are required to participate in numerous activities throughout the year. Planning for the fall homecoming begins in July and requires approximately 25 hours of plan and execution time. Winter homecoming requires approximately 10 hours of plan time and execution. There are at least 5 other events that require approximately 7 to 10 hours. Fund Raising Required
- Procedure for Joining: Students must complete an application and there is a voting procedure for officers.
- Requirements for Continued Membership: Attend monthly meetings, allowed two absences before dismissal is considered.
- Sponsor: Ms. Kitkowski, MHS Room #126, email: kitkowskil@mishawaka.k12.in.us
- Category: Special Interest
- Affiliation with State or National Organization: International Thespian Society
- Description of Program: The International Thespian Society recognizes outstanding achievement in high school theater. Students enhance their participation in drama by joining Thespian Society, which offers fellowship and competition opportunities at the regional and state level.
- Duration: August – May, 2 hours per month. Fund Raising Required
- Procedure for Joining: Eligibility required through two different drama activities totaling 100 hours of service.
- Requirements for Continued Membership: Actively participate in cast or crew of current productions.
- Sponsor: TBD