• The following letter was sent to School City of Mishawaka families on February 17, 2022

    February 17, 2022


    Dear SCM Families,

    As you know, we have required masks throughout the school year. We did this, in part, due to the guidance issued by the Indiana Department of Health (IDOH) that would have required far more students and staff to be quarantined if they were not wearing masks. The goal of requiring masks was to keep our students and employees healthy, keep our buildings open for in-person learning and keep the maximum number of students in school.

    Today the IDOH released new COVID-19 guidelines. Due to the sharp decline in COVID-19 numbers, following IDOH guidelines and with the support from our Board of School Trustees, School City of Mishawaka will update its COVID protocols to be mask optional beginning Wednesday, February 23, 2022. This will allow for those still concerned with COVID an opportunity to plan accordingly.

    The main changes for you to be aware of are:

    • Beginning February 23, 2022, masks will be recommended, but not required in SCM schools.
    • Masks will still be required on school buses and Transpo.
    • Students and staff will no longer be required to quarantine due to being a close contact, unless they are COVID positive or have COVID symptoms.
    • A negative test or doctor’s note is no longer required to return to school. As with other illnesses, students should not return to school unless they are fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications and their symptoms are resolving.

    The following items remain very important:

    • Individuals who suspect a COVID-19 infection should:
      • Get tested
      • Isolate to protect others (stay home when sick)
      • Rapidly notify their close contacts if they are positive
    • Seek healthcare if at higher risk
      • Vaccinations are strongly encouraged, but not required.
    • We will be hosting a COVID-19 Vaccine and Booster Clinic on March 4, 2022. Visit MishawakaSchools.com/Immunizations for more information.
    • Emphasized handwashing, good hygiene, and coughing/sneezing into your elbow.
    • Continued daily sanitation efforts.
    • Daily symptom monitoring and remaining home if you don’t feel well.

    Thank you to all of our SCM families for your continued patience and flexibility as we make the best decisions for the health, safety and continued successful learning of our students.


    Wayne Barker
    Superintendent of Schools