
  • The ability to transcend old practices with new, meaningful ideas that propel our organization to higher levels of success.  We honor the achievements of our predecessors, but use them as stepping stones to new heights, not barriers that impede progress.

  • April Fisher
    5th Grade Teacher
    Liberty Elementary School

    Ben Domonkos
    LaSalle Elementary School
    Ben also received a nomination for Innovation

    Brandy Merriman
    3rd Grade Teacher
    Hums Elementary School
    Brandy also received a nomination for High Expectations

    Dean Swihart
    Music Teacher
    Hums & Twin Branch Elementary Schools

  • Jennifer Smith
    Project Manager for Vision Intiatives & Corporate Analytics
    Administration Center

    Jill Snyder
    2nd Grade Teacher
    Liberty Elementary School
    Jill also received a nomination for High Expectations

    Shelly Murphy
    Twin Branch Elementary School

  • Each nominee is a great exemple of CREATIVITY...
    We are looking forward to celebrating ALL of our SCM family on May 20, 2021 and finding out who will receive the Exemplar for Creativity.
